After more than 7 years and 12 Cr. of my own & clients money spent testing lead generation and client attraction strategies, I’m finally ready to reveal…


The Last Lead-Generation, Client-Attraction Workshop You’ll Ever Attend... Because I'll Show You How To NEVER Run Out Of Leads Again Who is ready to buy your product/service!

Live At MCCIA Chamber, PUNE

Event Overview

Join us at the MCCIA Trade Tower, ICC Complex (403-A, Senapati Bapat Rd, Laxmi Society, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411016) for an exclusive event organized by the STCS Group. Tailored for industry leaders across sectors, this summit brings together High-End Real Estate Experts, High-Ticket Product Manufacturers, Coaching and Consulting Professionals, Digital Agencies, Done-for-You Service Providers, Online Course Experts, Specialized Software Providers, and High-Ticket Event Organizers. High business owners offering premium products and services will find this event invaluable.

Event Date and Location

Event Date and Time

May 15, 2024 | 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Event Location

MCCIA Trade Tower, ICC Complex

403-A, Senapati Bapat Rd, Laxmi Society, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411016

Event Overview

Join us at the MCCIA Trade Tower, ICC Complex (403-A, Senapati Bapat Rd, Laxmi Society, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411016) for an exclusive event organized by the STCS Group. Tailored for industry leaders across sectors, this summit brings together High-End Real Estate Experts, High-Ticket Product Manufacturers, Coaching and Consulting Professionals, Digital Agencies, Done-for-You Service Providers, Online Course Experts, Specialized Software Providers, and High-Ticket Event Organizers. High business owners offering premium products and services will find this event invaluable.

Event Date and Location

Event Date and Time

May 15, 2024 | 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Event Location

MCCIA Trade Tower, ICC Complex

403-A, Senapati Bapat Rd, Laxmi Society, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411016

Unlocking Success: What Can This Event Offer You?


Networking for High-Ticket Markets

Network with like-minded professionals and industry pioneers while presenting your business to generate live leads because proximity is power. This is your opportunity to expand your network and establish your brand among individuals shaping the future of high-ticket markets.


Promote Your Business

Showcase your brand to a captive audience of potential partners and customers. Present your offerings, demonstrate your value proposition, and generate buzz directly on the event floor. Take advantage of this unique platform to promote your business, form strategic partnerships, and secure warm leads that are ready to buy.


Cash Machine Blueprint by Summit Tiklle

Transform your high-ticket sales strategy with Summit Tiklle's cutting-edge Cash Machine Blueprint, designed to amplify your revenue potential and streamline your sales process.

At this event, you'll learn how to:

Transform your approach to high-ticket sales with our revolutionary, Evergreen Done-For-You 4 Pillar Proprietary Automation System.


Craft and position irresistible offers that naturally attract buyers.


Implement systems that let clients pre-qualify themselves, saving you time and focusing your efforts.


Learn our fail-proof high-ticket closing formula, tested and perfected through extensive real-world application.


Shift from inefficient manual processes to a robust automation system that reduces human error and maximizes sales opportunities.

Experience the power of a system that can help you generate consistent, predictable revenue and scale your business to 7-8 figures effortlessly.

The Last Lead-Generation, Client-Attraction Workshop You’ll Ever Attend...

Because I'll Show You How To NEVER Run Out Of Leads Again Who is ready to buy your product / Service!

If your business relies on a constant flow of new leads…

… but you’re tired of spending painful hours shooting Facebook lives, creating Youtube videos, or writing articles that get “views” but no leads…

Or you’re fed-up with harassing people on LinkedIn, commenting endlessly on strangers’ posts on social media trying to get people to “like,” “follow,” or “connect” with you but you’re still not getting enough booked calls or appointments…

Or you no longer want to feel "needy" or "desperate" begging clients for referrals or waiting for referrals to come to you…

And you want to replace ineffective marketing with a wholly reliable source of new leads, clients and income that flow to you automatically…

You’re invited to attend my brand new workshop for business owners who sell high ticket products or services

The only place in India where you’ll discover how to attract, Qualify & Close Endless Leads.

Limited To Just 100 Attendees – I'll Show You The Exact Strategy I'm Using To Generate Endless Leads Predictably, Consistently, And Profitably…

Who Should Attend This Event?

High-End Real Estate Experts

Architect/Interior Designer

Educational Institutes

Online Course and Coaching Experts

Business Consulting Experts

Specialized Software Providers

Digital Marketing Agencies

Done-for-You Service Providers

With Summit’s Endless Leads methodology you can...

  • Tap into a consistent flow of new clients, customer or patients who are ready and waiting for a product or service like yours.

  • Create ads your ideal clients find impossible to ignore because your message speaks directly to their pain-points or goals and triggers an immediate response.

  • Walk prospects gently through your sales funnel so they take the next step in YOUR sales process instead of your competitors – without resistance or feeling pressured

  • Bring in new clients at break-even or a profit because every rupees you spend on advertising pays for itself many times over… so you can keep running ads without ever running out of money

And you can do it all without paying 50K to 2 Lakhs a month to marketing agencies who don’t understand your business and who get paid regardless of whether they produce results or not (often they don’t)...

I’ve Never Shared My Endless Ready-to-Buy Leads Strategy Outside My Private Group Of High-Paying Clients.

But At This One-Time Event, I’ll Share Everything With You.

Nothing Held Back.

If you want more leads and clients who are ready-to-buy your product or service, register now to avoid missing out.

This Event Is Your Ticket To Success.

Here’s What You Can Expect When You Attend

I’m going to lay out my complete strategy for attracting endless leads so you can scale your growth.

For example, you’ll discover:

  • The Endless Lead Strategy - the ONLY strategy that consistently and predictably delivers profitable leads for a high ticket business.

  • How to validate the offering before launching a campaign or investing money in your business.

  • The 3 types of traffic you MUST have if you sell products or service valued above 1 Lakh rupees - and how to get maximum leads from each one.

  • How to make ANY campaign profitable. Explains why wealthy business owners don’t think about sales. And what they think about instead. This single shift unlocks your inner marketing genius.

  • How to scale your ad account so you make money every time you spend money (at this point your marketing starts to work like a money machine - put a little in, get a LOT out).

  • How to use paid ads to get people to buy faster - especially important if you have a long sales cycle with multiple steps over several weeks or sell a product valued over 5 Lakh.

  • The 10CR formula of this event explains how to frame a business model on a single page, so you don't have to repeatedly remember and explain your vision and mission to yourself and your team.

  • Dozens of examples you can model for your own business. I’ll break each campaign down. Explain why they work. Discuss ways you can model these campaigns to produce endless leads for your business, product, or service.

  • And much more…

This Event is available on a first- come first serve basis and slots are strictly limited.

We can help you take your business from where it is now, to where you want it to be, and we’ll help you do it in the shortest time possible.

Many say that attending this event was the most intelligent business decision they made all year.

If you’re unable to find a slot, it means almost all spots have been allocated and you may have to check back in a few days and try again.

I promise this session will bring you immense clarity on exactly where your business is, and how to take it to the next level.

If you have what it takes to implement what you learn, your business and life will change beyond belief.




Why Should I Listen to Summit Tiklle?

I’m Summit Tiklle, an entrepreneur from Pune, passionate about simplifying high-ticket sales. Here’s why my journey resonates with you:

From Struggle to Success:

I began with a challenge—finding clients in the high-ticket world was difficult. But through resilience and learning, I discovered a path to reshape my approach.

Crafting a Proven Blueprint:

After diving deep into workshops, courses, and mentorships, I developed a proven blueprint. This guided high-quality leads directly to me, ready to engage.

Resilient Strategies Between Uncertainty:

Even during COVID-19, while the world paused, our strategies remained strong. We helped businesses thrive online, closing deals efficiently and building lasting value with referrals from happy clients.

Unveiling Success at a Major Conference:

At a major conference, I shared our results. The response? An incredible 62 new clients. This success marked the beginning of Summit Tiklle Group, which later became STCS Group.

Global Impact and Growth:

Our influence expanded, reaching over 370 business owners globally. We refined our services and embraced core values—peace, happiness, and abundance.

Beyond Profits:

Last year, we committed to enhancing lives beyond just profits. Our mission is to simplify high-ticket sales and empower businesses in this ever-changing landscape.

From overcoming early struggles to leading STCS Group, my journey embodies resilience and adaptability. Let’s simplify high-ticket sales together and unlock your business’s true potential.

Answers to Questions You May Have Before Attending The Endless Leads Live Workshop…

Do I need any past experience running paid ads to attend?

No. In fact, past experience can be a disadvantage because you may have learned a bunch of information about paid ads that simply isn't true. This happened to me. I had to unlearn a lot of things that are sold as "gospel" about how to make paid advertising work. But the world has changed. Clients are more sophisticated. The market has moved on from the old "tried and true" ways of generating leads online.

What you'll discover at Endless Leads Live is new and different from everything you've seen or heard before.

You may be familiar with some of the concepts. But the way I put everything together to make your ads profitable is unique to me.

What types of businesses does this work best for?

Great question. The Endless Leads strategy is designed for businesses that sell high-ticket products or services. These can be products or services with fees starting at Rupees 35000 all the way up to 1cr and beyond.

Basically, if the life-time-value of a client is NOT worth at least Rupees 35000 to you… I recommend passing on this opportunity.

But if you sell something for Rupees 35000 or more then Endless Leads is for you

How is this different from other training on paid ads?

Here's the thing: If you've tried paid ads you already know you can't just run a bunch of ads and make a profit. It doesn't work that way. There are too many advertisers – and the market is too sophisticated – for people to accept whatever you say in a video or in print.

You need a strategy or an approach to creating advertising messages that gets results. And that's exactly what I've spent the past 7 years and over 12Cr perfecting.

What I'm presenting at Endless Leads is a unique way to use algorithms and AI to quickly turn a cold audience into a warm "bucket" of prospects. And then – use direct response advertising and psychological persuasion secrets – to convert those warm prospects into buyers.

It'll all make sense when you attend Endless Leads Live.

What should I do to prepare for the Event?

Endless Leads is live at given Location. And it's scheduled for a specific time. So the first thing you want to do is clear your calendar and set reminders to attend. Second, you want to make sure you can finish your work the week before the event, so in a distraction-free environment so you can get the most out of the event. It's a workshop, so there will be interaction between me and my guests. Third, I recommend having a notepad and pen handy because you're going to have a bunch of Ah Ha! moments and you'll want to capture each one.

Do I need to have a business already, or can I be in the planning stage?

Frankly, if you don't have a real business, this event is NOT for you. You should spend the 4 hours allotted for the workshop developing the skills you need to start a real business or researching the market to find a product you can sell.

What if I don't have a clear idea about who my target audience is, will this help me?

Yes. Endless Leads uses a strategy to attract the attention of the right people. And then, with the help of AI machine learning, algorithms, and advanced direct response marketing… The Endless Leads strategy brings people into your world so you can make a profit and grow your business.

What if I tried paid ads before and it didn't work, should I still attend?

Yes. If you have a legitimate business and you're already making sales my Endless Leads strategy will absolutely work for you. As you'll see at the workshop, even if you've tried dozens of marketing approaches and haven't been able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together for your business yet, THIS strategy is the one strategy that will work for you

How do I sign-up to attend?

Just click one of the many links on this page. Enter your name, email address and payment information, and you're all set. You'll receive a confirmation email with your ticket information and receipt of payment.

Join Us

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your high-ticket sales approach and scale your business.

Limited To Just 100 Attendees – secure your spot today and step into the future of sales mastery!

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